Central Wisconsin Sail & Power Squadron was chartered in 1990. We currently have about 40 members including a BSA Sea Scout Ship. We are located along the Wisconsin River from Eagle River in the north to Westfield in the south. We are a boating organization dedicated to helping people enjoy boating activities safely. Our membership includes all types of boaters and boating families (power, sail, and paddlers), novices and experienced boaters alike.
We have many enjoyable on-the-water and land-based activities, including boating activities, social events, learning opportunities, and other get-togethers. Many boating activities are held on nearby waters. We have joined our Wisconsin/Minnesota District 10 friends for on-the-water events on the Fox River Lock system, the lower Wisconsin River, the Mississippi River, the Duluth and Sturgeon Bay harbors and the Apostle Islands near Bayfield. Our social events include monthly breakfasts, pot luck suppers and dinner meetings at local restaurants.
We provide many quality and affordable classroom courses and seminars led by experienced volunteer instructors. We cover a full range of topics from basic boating to advanced education including, boat handling and operation, boat systems and maintenance, sail, GPS-based navigation and finally sextant-based celestial navigation. Our Boat Operation Certification program includes on-the-water skill instructions. Our classes are open to members and non-members alike.
We enjoy being part of our local community and give back through our service activities. We help to make the water a better place for everyone to enjoy. We conduct annual free Vessel Safety Check events at Boy Scout camps and at boat ramps on Lake Du Bay, Shawano Lake and Lake Petenwell with our crew of USCG-certified vessel examiners.
To learn more about our squadron, please use the link above to visit our website.

Cdr. Bob DeNoto, SN-ACN
America’s Boating Club-Door County was chartered in 1954 as the Sturgeon Bay Power Squadron. The Squadron is approximately eighty members and encompasses the entire County of Door. Door County Squadron members are passionate about boating and about helping boaters become more confident on the water. We teach new boaters the safety information they need for their DNR Boater Safety Certificate. Through our Vessel Safety Check program, we make sure your boat and you are safe. We teach boating in the classroom and on the water. We cruise together and have fun together as we enjoy boating on the waters that surround our beautiful Door County.
Door County, the Wisconsin peninsula with Green Bay waters on the west and Lake Michigan on the east, has more than 300 miles of coastline. Boaters from all over the world visit Door County’s beautiful shores to enjoy unbelievable boating, fishing and beaches, along with matchless museums, spectacular scenery, and sunsets. America’s Boating Club-Door County Squadron members are delighted to share our county’s grandeur!

The Duluth Sail and Power Squadron (DSPS) was organized by 12 Duluth / Superior harbor boaters, and sailors in 1939. Several members were active and commissioned by the Coast Guard during WWII to act as homeland security, as they were many years ago. We are an all-volunteer non-profit boating organization that has a common appreciation in educating, promoting and practicing safe boating and water activities. Our members are boaters and non-boaters that want to LEARN, ENGAGE and CONNECT together.
Our most valuable benefit is the Squadron Dock located near Allouez Bay in Superior, WI. As a recreational boater you can learn more about boating and engage with fellow boaters and non-boaters when at the Squadron Dock. We provide many quality and affordable classroom courses and seminars. We cover a full range of topics from basic boating to advanced education in navigation, boat handling and operation, and boat systems and maintenance. Many of our classes include supplemental on-the-water skill demonstration and supervised practice to help our students gain more confidence in their knowledge and ability to apply it. Our classes are open to members and non-members alike, and members enjoy preferred pricing. We have free Vessel Safety Checks (VSC). This VSC meets minimum requirements of the US Coast Guard and local authorities.
We enjoy being part of our local community and give back through our service activities. We work closely with the local Coast Guard Auxiliary station and participate and support the Western Lake Superior (WLS) Area Maritime Security Committee (AMSC). Each May we participate in the St. Louis River Quest event. Duluth-Superior sixth-graders travel through a dozen hands-on education stations. They learn about the St. Louis River ecosystem and related commercial, industrial and recreational activities. DSPS volunteers each year for the “It Floats, You Don’t; Wear your Lift Jacket!” hands-on station. In May we promote Safe Boating week. DSPS is a Gold Sponsor in advocating for the St. Louis River Estuary Water Trail. This trail allows paddlers and outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy the abundance of the St. Louis River Estuary. DSPS is dedicated to safe water activities and promoting the health of the river, the harbor and Lake Superior for everyone to enjoy. Go to our website and explore all that we do www.duluthsailandpowersquadron.com and become a member so we may LEARN, ENGAGE and CONNECT together!

Cdr. Robert Rondou, AP
The Green Bay Sail and Power Squadron was formed in 1940 by 10 local boaters, becoming the 52nd squadron of the United States Power Squadron. From those early years, we have continued to grow and provide the resources to help other squadrons form in northeast Wisconsin. Our squadron is a strong organization with approximately 35 members who support an active educational program, social activities throughout the year and community service. The squadron has received the Prince Henry Award for Teaching Excellence three times, in 1981, again in 2001, and most recently in 2009.
Our membership can be seen on the Bay of Green Bay and Lake Michigan. Whether you are on the waters of the Fox River or the Peninsula Gate, Green Bay is proud of our boats.
Be sure and visit our website to discover the latest news or find out how you can become a member and join the fun!

The Madison Sail and Power Squadron, aka America's Boating Club:
Madison, has been serving area boaters as the premier source for public boating education and boating activities for more than six decades.
Chartered in 1960, the Madison club is dedicated to having fun on the water, educating new and experienced boaters, and promoting safe boating through community service. Members regularly boat the local chain of lakes and waterways. Many of our members maintain
boats on the Great Lakes, the Wisconsin river systems and on coastal waters.
Madison members represent a cross section of boating interests that includes paddling, sail and power boats of all kinds. Our goals are simple; we serve the needs of area boaters to ensure safe and responsible recreational boating. We prepare new boaters for a safe experience on the water and make experienced boaters even better.

Cdr. Roger Quinan, S
Welcome to the squadron for Marinette, WI and Menominee, MI, the first squadron chartered in the new millennium. The Marinette / Menominee Squadron is located on Lake Michigan's Green Bay. With the many ports of Wisconsin's Door County just 14 miles across the bay, and the remarkable facilities of the Menominee Marina, the hidden jewel of the western shore, we offer an exceptionally interesting, diverse and beautiful area for inland boating.
Our mission is to promote boating safety through safe boating safety classes, in the classroom and on the water. In addition, we cultivate friendships and camaraderie in the community through participation and assistance in boating and social events.
We are America's Boating Club: For Boaters, By Boaters

Cdr. Ted Smyczek, SN
With over 70 members, the Milwaukee Sail and Power Squadron has a long history of providing USPS educational benefits to this area. Take a moment to visit their website.

Cdr. Kevin Cooper, AP
Check out the Minnetonka Squadron's website for an up-close and personal view of this active and vibrant Squadron. With its very own island retreat on Lake Minnetonka, over 350 local members enjoy giving back and having fun together.

Cdr. Geoff Carman, AP
The Oshkosh Power Squadron is situated on the shores of Lake Winnebago, 80 miles north of Milwaukee, and 50 miles south of Green Bay. Although we are a relatively small group (35 members), our activities involve the three primary objectives of USPS: community service, continuing education, and enjoying the friendship and camaraderie of our fellow members. We work closely with the Coast Guard Auxiliary to offer Vessel Safety Checks, and with local boating and hunting/fishing clubs to teach Safe Boating classes.

The St. Paul Sail and Power Squadron has been active in the boating community since 1963. Our members enjoy a wide variety of inland boating: the St. Croix and Mississippi Rivers, the Great Lakes, smaller rivers, and the multitude of small and large inland lakes in east central Minnesota and western Wisconsin. We've got it all – whether in our back yards or just a few hours away.
Each year, our members and their families learn together, volunteer together and have fun together. We enjoy donating our time to make our waters safer for all boaters. We teach classes, offer on-the-water training, host picnics, socialize on water and land, and participate in local civic events. Our squadron welcomes power boaters, sailors, paddlers and members from all walks of life . . . and we look forward to welcoming you at an upcoming class or out on the water! Click on St. Paul (above) to access our website to learn more.